Trains to and from Braunschweig Airport (BWE)

If you plan to travel by train from Braunschweig, the nearest major train station is Braunschweig Hauptbahnhof (Braunschweig Central Station), located in the city center. You can choose one of these transport options to reach the train station and continue your journey by train from there.

Public bus services operate between Braunschweig Airport and Braunschweig city center or other nearby destinations. You can check the schedules and routes of local bus companies to find the most suitable option for your journey.

Taxis are easily available at Braunschweig Airport, and you can take one to reach the city center or any desired destination. The taxi stand is usually located outside the terminal area.

Many car rental companies have counters at Braunschweig Airport, allowing you to rent a car and drive to your desired location or nearby train stations.

It is recommended to check the schedules and availability of the transportation options closer to your travel date to ensure accurate and up-to-date information.

Braunschweig Hauptbahnhof:

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